Favorite Workout Music

I don't know about you, but I HAVE to listen to music when I'm doing repetitive exercise. I mean, I *have* done it without music at times, but it can get really boring, and frankly, it tends to be a less effective workout. I think we might all agree that listening to your favorite music can really energize you and help increase your stamina while exercising; I know it helps me to push myself harder to get that heart rate up.

While I was at the gym this morning on the elliptical trainer with my iPod nano, I thought about the following great songs for working out.

The Killers - Hot Fuss

This entire album is great, almost every song is fun and completely uptempo!! I especially like Mr. Brightside and Somebody Told Me when I need a boost to help me pedal/run/walk faster.

Michael Jackson - Off the Wall

I discovered that (most of) this album is great for working out back when I first started going to a gym (circa 1995). I particularly like songs that allow me to kind of "dance" on the elliptical trainer as I work out, so these are great, especially Don't Stop til You Get Enough. I also adore the song Off the Wall, it's gorgeous, though not as uptempo as some of the Killers songs. But it just gives you such a nice feeling. Disco rocks for working out!!

The Beatles - The White Album

Believe it or not, some songs on this album are GREAT for working out! I just discovered that recently since this album happened to be on my iPod when I started working out again regularly. I don't know why I never tried the Beatles before for working out, maybe it was "too familiar" so I overlooked it. I only have Disc 2 on my iPod right now, so I need to put the other one on, then revisit this post and tell you about the songs on Disc 1. However, from Disc 2 I have had a blast moving to Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except for Me & My Monkey and Savoy Truffle.

More to come!


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